How the Chops Work Ebook

This book contains 69 pictures and diagrams showing how all of the major embouchures make compression.

It shows how curl works, how and why compression fights the air so much easier than tension, what the chops should look like playing different trumpet embouchures in different registers.

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Thanks for doing a project this big.

Thanks for your post on TPIN and the 3-D view of the chops. I was thinking of the aperture as just the outside red part rather than the full lips. I was using a lip curl on the top lip even in the staff and as I tried to compress the lips to play higher, the chops had a tendency to stop vibrating all together. I definitely had an "aha" moment and playing breakthrough over the weekend.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, "You are a genius," and a generous genius at that. I will keep you posted on the progress.

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